Mindfulness Training Course
What You Will Learn
You will learn both formal and informal practices:
Formal practices include paying attention to one object of focus for a specific amount of time while being aware of what arises. Sounds simple but it is not easy. The objects of your focus may be your breath, sounds, feelings, body sensations, or simply walking.
Informal practices involve being in the moment with awareness during everyday activities such as brushing your teeth, answering the phone, sending an email, doing the dishes, preparing a meal…
You cultivate the capacity:
To recognize what is happening in the moment, fine-tuning your ability to notice;
To accept what is happening, allowing whatever it is to transpire, making room for the experience as it unfolds;
To investigate whatever is happening by being curious even about familiar, mundane experiences;
To be a witness to the experience rather than becoming entangled in or identifying with it;
To be compassionate during an experience by maintaining an attitude of friendliness, softness and kindness with a light touch towards yourself and others.
Benefits of Mindfulness Training
Research has shown that participating in a mindfulness training:
reduces stress
reduces anxiety
reduces depression
increases one's immunity against viruses and illnesses
increases positive attitudes
increases resilience
reduces burnout even in high pressure environments
works even when you are not actively practicing it
encourages creativity and innovation
helps you to see the bigger picture
helps you set aside personal agendas and work for the good of the organization as a whole
improves your emotional intelligence
helps you manage your emotions better
helps to improve task performance.
improves learning and memory, planning, problem solving, attention and concentration and decision making
can reduce your fight or flight responses (sympathetic nervous system) making it easier to look at things clearly and rationally
helps to improve sleep
Course Options:
You can organize a group and we can work together to develop a calendar such as how many weeks it will last, length of time per session, and location. I can come to you if there is an appropriate space.
8 weeks, choose 1.5, 2, or 2.5 hours once a week, 1 all day retreat, plus daily home practice between sessions
6 weeks, choose 1.5, 2, or 2.5 hours once a week, 1 all day retreat, plus daily home practice between sessions
4 weeks, choose 1.5, 2, or 2.5 hours once a week, 1 all day retreat, plus daily home practice between sessions